We foster a culture of power sharing and leveraging, where young adults with lived expertise lead decisions on homelessness.

『Dismantling Adultism』

『Empower Tomorrow』

『Youth Shifting Culture』

『Dismantling Adultism』 『Empower Tomorrow』 『Youth Shifting Culture』

Shifting the Paradigm

We aim to shift the paradigm, encouraging systems to change course through intersectionality, while valuing lived expertise as equivalent to formal education. We recognize young adults as the architects of their own lives and are committed to putting them at the forefront of funding and policies of the homeless response system.

Through a ground-breaking system redesign, we aim to create a youth-centric approach that effectively meets young people's unique needs and aspirations. We are committed to skill-building and equipping young people with what they need to become leaders. We are devoted to collaborative decision-making with funders, providers, and county, and system partners. We will dismantle the white supremacy culture and adultism rooted in the system.

Our Lanes of Work

  • Young Adult Pooled Fund Table

    The Young Adult Pooled Fund Table is a vessel for system-impacted young folks to have the power to make decisions around funding to end youth & young adult homelessness in Los Angeles.

  • Advocacy

    LA Emissary’s Advocacy program is dedicated to building out a county-wide youth & young adult-led policy agenda and a movement of young folks leading the way.

  • SPA Teams

    The LA Emissary organizes with young folks across 8 Service Provision Areas (SPAs) forming local teams to support community-specific policy and funding priorities that impact young folks in their region.

  • Training & Education

    The LA Emissary provides training & education for young folks across Los Angeles County participating in SPA teams to develop leadership, advocacy, & other skills to create impactful changes in their local community.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

― Maya Angelou

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